Monday, October 31, 2005

Record Eagle: Ignorance Is Bliss--At Any Age

Link to latest column ("Ignorance Is Bliss--At Any Age"):

Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's A Bird...It's A Plane...It's A New Entry!

Before you say anything, I too am aware of how much time has lapsed since my last entry. I know you think I might have missed this, that somehow I was unaware of how much writing I haven't been doing. Thank you for your helpful reminders. The stream of sarcastic comments has really been an upper for me.

Speaking of uppers...the Record Eagle has hired me to write a column! The first one is coming out this Sunday (Oct 30) in the Northern Living section. From there it will be published every other Sunday. Ha! You thought my month-long silence was due to laziness and general apathy, when really it was due to laziness, general apathy, AND my new column. The Eagle, as we insiders call it, will also be posting the column on their web site. Since the taste of money has mysteriously energized my writing mojo, regular entries on the blog will soon be up and running again, along with a link to the most recent column.

The column is a pretty different change of pace for the Record Eagle. If you dig it, please do so vocally, in frequest letters to the editor. I'm still amazed they're going for it; I keep having nightmares they came across an old Ann Landers blog, and somehow got it mixed up with mine.

On a final note, I suggest you (and by you, I mean Mike Smith) remember the power of the pen the next time you want to spread any rumors. The tables have turned, my friend... the tables have turned. Here's to private embarassments becoming public ones.