Sunday, December 25, 2005

Record Eagle: Inside The Gamer's Mind, Part 1

Link to latest column ("Inside The Gamer's Mind, Part 1"):

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Record Eagle: Christmas Once A Year Seems Excessive

Link to latest column ("Christmas In Nutshell: Excessive"):

Monday, December 05, 2005

Worst (And Best) Ways to Die

I was thinking today about how I like living. This train of thought naturally lead me to think about dying, and some of the truly awful ways one can make that transistion. After careful consideration, I have chosen the five ways I'd least like to meet my demise:

1) Tortured for information by enemy spooks.
2) Starvation. Takes way too long.
3) Any type of asphyxiation: includes drowning, hanging, or being strangled.
4) Being attacked by a wild animal, or an angry mob.
5) Being drenched in, or dipped into a vat of, any kind of flesh-eating acid.

On the flip side of the coin, here are some more attractive alternatives:

5) Beheading. But only if it's done properly. Also, this is not a choice for the vain.
4) Drinking poison. Good enough for Socrates, good enough for me.
3) Lethal injection. The modern day equivalant of hemlock juice.
2) Dying of natural causes in your sleep. If the Grim Reaper was Willy Wonka, this would be your Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delights bar wrapped in a golden ticket.
1) Sacrificing yourself for a noble cause, or to save someone's life. I have a deep-founded belief that any act of love as selfless as this will follow you into eternity. Also, even if you were a schmuck your whole life, it only takes one sacrificial death to redeem your entire existence. Yes you'll be dead, but you'll die a hero. Compare this to the empty funeral parlor and cricket chirps at the wake when you die as a crack whore, or corporate CEO who filed for Chapter 11 after he was caught embezzling and then shot himself.

Anything I missed? Discuss your personal picks.